One of the deepest roots of Turkish culture is undoubtedly hospitality. It is enough to take a close look at our traditions, customs and even our daily life to see how a society that says “Guest is an ocean, it does not stop at the door” has mastered the art of being a host.
Turkish hospitality is not only a phenomenon limited to our country, but also a form of behavior that is recognized and appreciated worldwide. In many cultures, hospitality and the attitude towards guests is important, but Turkish hospitality has earned a unique place in the international arena with its warmth and sincerity. With millions of tourists coming to Turkey every year, this is not just a story told, but a reality directly experienced.
Istanbul is considered the center of this experience.Every tourist who sets foot in the city feels at home. From street vendors to taxi drivers, from restaurant staff to ordinary people you meet on the street, everyone is generous in helping tourists, giving directions and sometimes even sharing their own stories.In Istanbul, it has become commonplace to help a stranger, offer a cup of tea or strike up a conversation.This shows that it is not only the city’s historical and natural beauties that have the power to impress tourists, but also its friendly people.
In Turkish culture, the guest is considered a sacred being.There is even a proverb that says “Guest is a lamb, it is slaughtered, it does not eat; Guest is a bird, it does not fly.”This is an approach that emphasizes how valuable and special the guest is.For the host, the guest brings blessings, joy and warmth to the house.
In Turkish culture, the presence of a guest increases the fertility of a house, hence the belief that “the house of the guest is the door of blessing”. A guest is not only a short visit or a moment of conversation, but also a sacred moment in which a deep-rooted bond is formed between the host and the guest and mutual love and respect are manifested. In ancient times, in villages and towns, on the day a guest left home, the host would give the guest water for the road. This was both a gesture of goodwill to ensure that the guest’s journey was safe and comfortable, and a sign of the host’s deep love and respect for the guest.
The host plays a big role in making hospitality so valuable.
When a guest arrives, the best place in the house, the most comfortable pillow and the hottest tea are for him.Turkish hosts do everything in their power to please their guests.This is not only limited to offering food and drink, but also making them feel at home in their own home.
Turkish food culture is one of the best examples of hospitality.
When a guest arrives, the table becomes a feast.A variety of dishes, desserts and fruits are served.The Turkish coffee and tea that follows the meals is a symbol of conversation and sincerity.
Located in Sultanahmet, Queb Restaurant offers a modern interpretation of Turkish hospitality.Combining traditional Turkish flavors with a contemporary presentation, it appeals to both the eyes and the palate.The atmosphere of the restaurant reflects the warmth and sincerity of Turkish homes. Here, it is possible to see how hospitality is practiced not only in homes but also in restaurants.
In Turkish culture, hospitality is a value that does not change even after years. Seeing traces of hospitality in our traditions, customs and food culture helps us understand how deep-rooted this value is. Even in modern times, keeping this value alive in the warm atmosphere of a restaurant in Sultanahmet shows how rich and vibrant Turkish culture is.
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